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"The presentation of Simple Mechanics with Grades 1-4 in the gym was beyond a shadow of doubt, the best exercise in experiential learning that I have witnessed as an administrator of over 10 years.  It had all of the elements of a great lesson and all of the students were actively engaged and enjoying learning.  It was a special moment for our school." 


      -Greg Betti, Principal, Stamford Elementary School


Science Essentials was developed to provide the Museum's unique resources to support science curricula in any educational setting.  Originally field-tested in 2013 we have offered the program to more schools each year and continually refine and improve the activities and lessons.

Contact the Museum for more information or to schedule Science Essentials at your school.

Hands-on inquiry-based

exploration and experimentation

Live animals and natural history specimens

Data collection and scientific method

Outdoor activities, games and explorations

Age-appropriate discussion

Individual and group work

Introductory and follow-up materials

In 2013, the Museum began working with the Stamford Elementary School to develop an adaptable series of programming to engage students in grades pre-K to 6 and support the school's existing science curriculum.  We were focused on inquiry-based learning with an emphasis on the unique resources of the museum and getting outdoors for exploration and observation as much as possible.   To date we have integrated live animals, natural history artifacts, multi-media presentation as well as outdoor exploration into over 30 individual lesson plans at 7 different schools.  In cooperation with these schools we have worked to integrate age-appropriate elements of the Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards across scientific disciplines.


If you are interested in learning more, or scheduling a Science Essentials series at your school, please contact the Museum education staff for a free consultation.

Vermont Museum of Natural History, INC.
[802] 464 - 0048


Send mail to: 7599 VT Route 9
West Marlboro, VT 05363
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